Saturday, June 23, 2012


Another 'S' post...
oh science freaks out there, its not about universe-space-big bang...
not the real estate space to build your house, sell n buy land..
not space in your home to decorate things, furniture..

It's about Space, for your self, from you, for you...
Time for yourself.. to think about yourself...
I'm not asking you to be selfish, but thinking about you and only you is very important..
not about any one, not about parents, friends, lover or any one...
and after all you should be fine to be happy with all those around..

all are very busy, tight schedules, so not to spare at least 1 hr for our selves,
so all i say, just 5 minutes, in between you lying on bed and going into sleep..

enjoy your freedom in your space..
we sacrifice few things for few reasons..
it's nothing but losing our space..
unable to do every thing we want to do..
on the other hand we cannot be rebels..
we ought to do things as such..
so thinking about ourselves for 5 minutes a day isn't too much,
recording and revising our daily progress...
so that if we have missed any small small things carrying big big surprises and happiness,
we can burst them and enjoy...



Satisfaction !!!

What is this??
I'm just trying to look positive in all, 
coz positive points keep us moving forward and happy to some extent 
but there is always some thing which makes us feel a bit sad, 
like a pin pricking, an ant bite, a small one,  
inside heart, very deep, deeper than the deepest ocean..
you will be rich,  lots of people around you, 
but heart keeps on thinking about 1 thing or 1 some one.

Then it clicked to me,

satisfaction does not come from things, status etc
satisfaction is a heart's thing..

it does not come from having a lunch in 5 * hotel,
it comes even when eating in home with loved ones,
Many more like this...

so the differentiation starts...
mind wants some thing, heart wants some other thing..
so if both gets happy by the same thing.. then satisfaction comes into picture..

Then another point clicked...
is happiness different from satisfaction??
does one lead to other??
they must be different other wise why 2 2 names??(logic :P )
 you will be happy if you are satisfied, but not the other way always..

want to write some thing, so much but unable to coz of many reasons..
I'm happy at least I wrote this much today, but not satisfied... :P ;)


The phase of life, when you actively, consciously withdraw yourself from love and hate.  The moments when nothing seems to reach your heart....