Tuesday, February 22, 2011

wer r v ending up???

This is abt the T activists' in the college...
i hope it reaches them and they dont take it as a joke...
a few days back i read that JP was manhandled and felt very bad..
and now today in the college they insulted one of the most senior faculties in the college...
wat do they think abt themselves...they must respect his age, profession, and wat not..he is human...
r v animals to beat each other for lives??ok..not even life here...huh...
wat is this going to give them???
and yeah...wat abt the students who supported them??
they need a separate state???for wat???
jus think...how many of the students studying here r going to work here and serve their land...
most of us want a pretty good job in a posh city, to enjoy life...
or get a seat in very good college...y r u wasting ur time???jus because some one wanted this to happen???
and that some one is definitely not U, not ur FATHER, not ur MOTHER...
i was in an auto some day...the auto driver was telling some thing which goes like this:
bandh antaru adhi antaru...ee T vasthe maku manchi jaruguthundho ledho teliyadhu kani, ippudu matram chala kashtam ga undhi...
y r these ppl playing games with normal lives...y r so called cream of the country acting like this...
think wisely, watch every step of urs, it shouldnt hurt anyone, it should be useful to at least one...
i dont know how far its true, but i feel this...and i hate classes getting canceled like this...i am and we r not HERE for that...


  1. hey im living in democratic country( the biggest one in the world)...i ve every right to express my feelings...this blog is not to hurt anyone...its jus a request to give respect to receive one...

  2. Ramya... our country is not just de most democratic ... evn the most tolerated nation... right from ages we are used to these things..... let me make a point sure... evn the people who are doing the things dont no y dey r doin ... n coming to the cream layer... they r a little who actually cares out side there own!!! hope v dont hurt any1 badly n be useful to atleast 1 someday in de way of our life....



The phase of life, when you actively, consciously withdraw yourself from love and hate.  The moments when nothing seems to reach your heart....