Monday, May 23, 2011



Matru devo bhava, Pitru devo bhava, AAcharya devo bhava, Athidi devo bhava …

A very popular quote in Sanskrit…

Mother has been given the 1st pace indirectly stating that she is the first GOD..

Before even our birth we are protected by her in her womb…

Do you think only you, were born on your birthday, no absolutely not, Its your mother too..

Its rebirth to any mother while giving birth to her child..

She takes that struggle to show you this beautiful world..

This world wouldn't have existed without her, her struggle, her kindness and her patience..

Who gets hurt when you fall???

Who feels bad when you are depressed??

Who feels sorry when you are hurt???

There is only one answer for all these questions… MOTHER…

She is the one, despite of any inconvenient conditions and odd situations she is facing thinks of only your progress….

Somebody may reject you in job by looking at your intelligence, in love looking at your status, in friendship looking at your behavior..

But only mom is the one who receives you as you are… loves you, accepts you, pampers you, and dies for you…

Even you don’t think of yourselves every minute, but your mom does…

Value her, Respect her, Take care of her, never ever try to hurt her…

This post is supposed to be taken birth on mothers’ day (8.5)

But due to some technical difficulties, its bit late… :P :P :P



The phase of life, when you actively, consciously withdraw yourself from love and hate.  The moments when nothing seems to reach your heart....