Saturday, December 10, 2016

Mother, daughter and a dog

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful family of a hardworking dad, a loving mother and a cheerful daughter.

Life for them is all about being happy and looking for happiness in any situation.

Dad as usual is busy carrying on his daily work.

The mother and the daughter share a special bonding being together and spending time together.
It sounds like a fairy tale till now.
Then something which the god only knows happened to the daughter. She started hating everyone in her life including the mother.

The mother like any other mother showed only love ignoring the hate.
The daughter takes the mother for granted. Thinks that it's mother's  responsibility to show love despite the bad response. The mother still continues to love love and only love.

One day the happy family went on a trip. A street dog kept following them. The daughter who is so mean to the mother was so friendly and starting making friends with the dog. She started caring and loving the dog.

Mother took a deep breath and thought for herself, "I should have at least been that dog to get love from my daughter".

This thought made this person who has been watching everything think..
The mother always wanted the best for her child.
She often warned her against bad company and wrong habits.
She, sometimes became harsh, which she does not want to, just to teach her good.
She pointed the "hard reality and truth" which hurts the daughter.

The only difference between the dog receiving love and the mother not receiving love is that the mother tells the truth and the dog doesn't.

Now it's high time for the daughter to realise whom she wants in her life.
Mother or a dog.

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The phase of life, when you actively, consciously withdraw yourself from love and hate.  The moments when nothing seems to reach your heart....